Let's Play While The Hub's Is At Work
I'm a 47 year old woman who stays fit and has a very high sex drive. My husband works a lot and just isn't keep up with me like he use to. I've been satisfying this hunger with a few flings, mostly with younger men (a couple my step-sons' friends), and this incredibly fun site. I get to indulge in all sorts of kinky and dirty fantasies. Some I hadn't even thought of until that sexy voice on the line introduced me to those dirty ideas. That is one of the reasons I try to stay very open minded - you just never know when that new idea is going to blow your mind! And while I might find myself drawn to younger men (but not exclusively), I value intelligence and creativity the most when it comes to lovers of any age. And a big hard juicy cock doesn't hurt ;-) To all you generous men who have asked, thank you but I do not have a wish list online anywhere. You can imagine the explaining I would have to do to my husband about package arriving for me. If you really want to send a little something, an Amazon gift card right to my email (gailontheprowl@gmail.com) is always appreciated, but not necessary. Your company is all I need (but what girl doesn't like the occasional surprise).
Happy Birthday to me ;-) who is man enough to give me my birthday spankies???
Yes I did raise my rate a bit (am I not worth a little more?), but don't worry. My flat rate packages get you my old rate.
What's your favorite trick or treat?
I love Autumn. Cuddled under a soft warm blanket with the cool breeze of fresh air tickling my exposed skin.