How Can ya Beat the BEST, that's Righgt U CANNOT!! ha ha so Please do NOT call her,she's My Buddy and I'm stickin to it!!! Much much More than a dream, I'm smitten!!!! Love Ya Loyts+Lots, Rick
Oh the Time Wooshez By Way Way too Quick,but I Love every Second! I Love Catching'Up on Everything and Looking forward to Our Next Chat! Always Miss Ya Dear and Love You Tons!! Xoxoxoxoxoxo Rick
I Can't Ever Get Enough of Her,I'm Falling for her,I Need her More and More,,,there's No escaping the ture feelings I have for her,and I'm the happiest now that I found (like a soul-mate!!!!)There's Nobody and I do Mean Nobody like her, so Guys stay away please*haha xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo X's 1.8 million wink* Love U dear,,,I Do,,,, Muahhhhh Rick